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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect during my first visit?

Before your initial consultation you will be asked to fill out an online client consultation form. At your appointment we will then discuss this form and the issues you are experiencing. I may also ask you to perform certain movements to evaluate range of motion and pain levels.  We will then discuss my findings and the expected treatment plan before moving onto treatment.

Please remember that it is important to provide details of all health conditions and medications so that I can adapt the session to your specific needs as required.

What should I wear?

Loose comfortable clothing is best, some people bring shorts to change into but this is not compulsory. If you wear a bra, one which unfastens at the back is preferable. During the treatment you may be asked to partially undress, depending on the areas of the body to be worked on, but draping with towels will be used so that only the area being treated is exposed. You will never be asked to undress completely.

Will Sports Massage hurt?

As Sports Massage is a deep and specific treatment there may be some discomfort but this should be more in the 'feels good pain' range rather than the 'ouch, stop it' range! Pain can be an indication that the muscle is injured or inflamed and I will check in with you through out the treatment as to what you are feeling and whether the pressure is ok for you. It is a myth that Sports Massage always has to be painful, pain can cause your muscles to tighten up and negate the beneficial effects of the massage, so the aim is to work with your body's natural response, not against it. If at any time you feel something is too painful please do say, there's no need to suffer in silence!

How will I feel after my treatment?

Most people feel relaxed and experience an improvement in symptoms after massage. Some people feel achey or sore in the areas treated, much like after a workout at the gym, this is perfectly normal and usually passes within 24-48 hours. A hot shower, or a soak in the bath can help ease this soreness.

How often should I get a massage?

This really varies from person to person and depends on the nature of the issue you are experiencing and your goals in seeking treatment.  For a sports injury you may require shorter more frequent appointments during the recovery phase whereas someone requiring maintenance of a chronic condition might have a longer massage on a more infrequent basis. Alternatively you may use massage regularly as part of your training programme, in which case consideration should be given to the timing of massage around events etc. I will discuss this with you at your initial consultation and as treatment progresses.

When shouldn't I get a massage?

You shouldn't book a massage if you have a fever, cold/flu, or a contagious skin infection. If you're booked in and you come down with something don't worry, just let me know as soon as you can before the appointment and we can rearrange for when you're feeling better.

For some conditions I may need to adapt my techniques (e.g. arthritis or osteoporosis) or avoid an area completely (e.g. cuts or recent scars). With certain conditions I may need to seek approval from your doctor or other medical practitioner before you receive massage, particularly if you are undergoing other treatment. If this is the case I will discuss with you and ask for your permission to contact your practitioners to discuss your treatment.

Is massage suitable for all ages?

There is no upper or lower age limit for people to have massage. However, for anyone under the age of 18 they will need to provide written consent from their parent or guardian. A consent form can be found here. Additionally, if they are under the age of 16 the parent or guardian must be present for the treatment.

Can I have a massage when pregnant?

Yes, although it is generally advised to avoid treatment in your first trimester, until after you have had your first scan. You will be asked to fill out an additional online form to ensure I have all the health information I need.

Can I have a massage if I have cancer?

Yes, however adaptations or modifications may be needed depending on your current stage of health. These may include length of session, pressure and speed as well as site restrictions, positioning and avoiding any areas affected by cancer or being treated with radiotherapy. I will discuss this with you at your appointment. You will be asked to fill out an additional online form to ensure I have all the health information I need.

Can I have a massage if I have a stoma?

Absolutely. Please book at a time when you're not expecting any output and it is best to avoid easting before hand but otherwise just make an appointment in the same way as anyone else.

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© 2018 FD Sports Massage

Opening Hours








8.00am to 8.00pm

8.00am to 8.00pm


8.00am to 8.00pm

8.00am to 8.00pm

8.00am to 1.00pm


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7 Chinery Close

Chelmsford, CM1 7QY

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