Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments
DSE Assessments protect the health of people who work with devices such as computers, laptops and tablets and are a legal requirement under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. They are required for all employees whether they are office based or working from home.
These assessments are important to identify the risks associated with using this type of equipment and provide appropriate adjustments, where required, to ensure employees are working safely. Research by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimated that in 2018/19 approximately 6.9million work days were lost due to musculoskeletal disorders, with over 498,000 workers affected. Therefore it is vitally important to acknowledge and pre-empt risks rather than wait for longer term problems to develop.

As a qualified DSE Assessor I can help workplaces ensure they are compliant with the regulations and that workers have the correct set-up for their workspace. Assessments are conducted at the workstation so that any modifications that can be made at the time are implemented, any further recommendations or equipment requirements are provided in a written report.
I also offer virtual workstation assessments for individuals. Some initial information and photographs will be requested, which are provided to me by the individual, prior to a zoom call to discuss suggested modifications and improvements. Where possible we will work with the equipment available but in some cases additional items may be recommended. A written copy of the assessment and any recommendations will be provided, plus a follow up, if necessary.
If you require this service for your organisation please get in touch to discuss. You can also book an individual virtual workstation assessment via the online booking page.